The 3rd annual Verbatim // Text Sound Expo will be held on September 16th, 2023 (rain date: September 17th) at Opus 40 in Saugerties, NY. Entry is at 356 George Sickle Rd, Saugerties, NY. Sliding scale admission ranges from $5 to $20. There will be local businesses on site selling food, coffee, and alcohol.
12:00 | Vendors open
1-1:30 | Infrequent Seams sound performance (Jeffrey Lependorff, Drew Wesely, James Ilgenfritz)
1:30-2 | Reading Block #1
1080 Press (John Joe Kane and Terrence Arjoon)
Dispersed Holdings (Alexis Almeida)
Station Hill (George Quasha, Charles Stein, Alana Seigel)
2:15-2:45 | Notice Recordings sound performance (No Land & Joanna Mattrey)
2:45-3:15 | Reading Block #2
Belladonna (Rachel Levitsky and Caroline Crumpacker)
Litmus Press (Alysia Slocum Laferriere)
Bottle of Smoke (Gerard Malanga)
3:30-4:00 | Black Sun Lit sound performance (Katy Mongeau & Nyhne)
4:00-4:30 | Reading Block #3
Shivastan (Shiv Mirabito)
Most Perfect World (James Loop)
After Hours (Emily Brandt and Lawrence Giffin)
New Books (Joel Newberger and Tamas Panitz)
4:45-5:15 | Lobby Art sound performance (performers: Webb Crawford, Rev. Web, Sam Wenc)
5:15-5:30 | Model City sound performance (Ric Royer & G Lucas Crane)
5:30-6:00 | winds measure sound performance (Doug Farrand, John Hastings, Madison Brookshire, Luke Martin and Noah Ophoven-Baldwin)
6:00-6:30 | Pinsapo sound performance (Anaïs Maviel & Robert Kocik)
6:30-7:00 | Tripticks Tapes sound performance (Playbackers: Stella Silbert, Arkm Foam, Donny Shaw)